Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising Course

This course builds on your basic cruising skills. Designed for those who want to charter or purchase a keelboat it includes more navigation and boat management aspects as well as improved sailing skills and boat handling/docking. Offered as a 6 day Live-aboard course.


Cruise planning & living afloat

Navigation using charts and compass

Two crew-overboard methods

Managing the ship’s internal systems

Sail trim and rig tuning


Read Complete Intermediate Cruising Standard: 

Intermediate Cruise January 1 2019 Effective Pdf
PDF – 60.1 KB 135 downloads


  • Basic Cruising Standard Certification
  • Basic Coastal Navigation  - This course is offered online by my friends at Wavelength Sailing School
  • Radio Operators Certificate  - Online courses offered by: 

Wavelength Sailing School  

Canadian Power and Sail Squadron 

Course Fees

CYC charter boat or your own boat. $1095/pp (minimum 2 people) *
Fees include Sail Canada registration, examination fees and textbook.
Note: All provisioning of meals and refreshments is to be provided by the charterer/owner/student. 

Sailing school vessel 38 ft Catalina $2095/pp  (minimum 2 people, 4 persons maximum)
Fees include Sail Canada registration, examination fees and textbook.

Fee includes 6 nights on board vessel, 6 breakfasts, 6 lunches and 6 dinners.

No smoking is permitted onboard vessel. Alcoholic beverages may only be consumed at the end of the day while at anchor or on a dock.